Monday, March 26, 2018

Recent Federal Legislation

Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act  FOSTA

 Shifts responsibility for sex trafficking from posters to hosters. Craigslist has taken down its personals section.

Clarifying Overseas Use of Data Act.  CLOUD act.

 Interesting in that the provisions of the bill were never debated, marked up, nor publicized. Just an added provision to the spending budget bill.
 Allows contents of wire or electronic communications and any record or other information if those contents are stored in servers overseas regardless of the privacy laws in that country. Allows the President to enter into agreements with other countries to share private electronic communications and data of individuals regardless of privacy laws of each country.
 Italics mine

Friday, March 23, 2018

Want to see (some) of the data Facebook has on you?

on Facebook page    use down arrow at left of your name

Now click Settings

Then clock on Download a copy of your Facebook data.


If you are a heavy user of Facebook it will take awhile to compile the data.

If you use Facebook in Chrome consider the Data Selfie browser extension. Better than psychoanalysis.

Consider stopping or using Facebook less as opposed to deleting Facebook. If you delete your account, someone else can take it over and recover its data, photos, etc.

The wait for the download may have been completed now. Be amazed.

Monday, March 19, 2018

USPS Informed Delivery

United States Post Service has a service: Informed Delivery.

Sign up and you can check and see what will be delivered to your house in today's mail. Not just what but a gray scale image of the letters and/or packages. Up to 10.
 Convenience. We now know if a cheque is on the way, our grand kids sent a Easter card, any and all to be dropped in the mail box later today.

 Sign up, supply a username and strong passphrase/password, and marvel at modern convenience.

 BUT be aware the security questions to verify your identity are all easily found or known it you research or know the victim. Instead of cards from grand kids, think home prescription delivery, broker statements. Now the criminals can sit at their house and monitor postal mail to be delivered to your house.
 AND now USPS has a record of mail to addressees.
 AND  a daily notice is sent via email/epostcard that any/everyone can read if they are motivated and capable.

 If interested and you were not aware: