Thursday, January 30, 2020

Patches abound

 Looks like every Apple that can be patched, had patches released yesterday  January 20,2020.
iOS got 13.3.1 as did iPadOS. iOS 12 got version 12.4.5
 MacOS got patches for High Sierra, Mojave, and Catalina
 tvOS, Safari, iTunes, iCloud (several versions)

 For Microsoft patch seekers can get updates to .NET 3.5 and 4.8 and two cumulative updates to Windows 10. One is shown as optional after KB4534132. Edge got updates to the released version as well as the beta version

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Searching past presentations and newsblog posts

I get asked for this a lot.
How can i easily find a topic we've covered in a past presentation and/or newsblog post?
 I produce 2 presentations a month for both Windows SIG and Cyber Security SIG. That's a few hundred pages/posts to search through

 For the NEWSBLOG posts on the Cyber Security SIG site, the site has a Search box

The result will be every blog post with the keyword(s) entered in the Search box.
Once all the relevant articles are displayed, use the CTRL-F key to bring up another search box to find the keyword in each of the found blog posts.
Then use the Up and Down arrows to advance to the next instance of the keyword.

For searching the presentations a bit more effort will be needed.
If you have downloaded any or all presentations into a separate folder on your computer, the next step is not needed. If not you will need to do so or a similar task to allow your machine to search inside of the possible presentations.

Windows search needs to have capability to search inside of files enabled.
There are several ways to do this, you may have already.
Use the File Explorer icon or Folder Options

Now navigate to the folder where you have saved to potential presentation files, or all of the presentation files and type in your keyword(s) in the search box.
This will list all the files containing the keywords.

Now open the relevant PDF file and use the CTRL-F search box as above.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Facebook recent new capability Whoa

 You might have noticed a Facebook update in the past few days.
I know I have

 The update adds off-Facebook activity.

 Off-Facebook activity is a summary of activity that businesses and organizations share with us about your interactions, such as visiting their apps or websites. They use our Business Tools, like Facebook Login or Facebook Pixel, to share this information with us.

 The navigation to this activity depends on the platform used for Facebook.
Using Help in Facebook should find this "activity".

 Once found, hold on to your hat.  It is a LOT, and lists sites, companies, and groups you may not heard of.

 Facebook claims they want to give you control

 A shortcut to the Facebook page where this new activity is given:

 The page shows how you can control your activity.