Sunday, August 30, 2020

Internet down/slow 30-Aug-2020

  Some sites unresponsive. If you experience slowness, outage, be aware.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Adobe Lightroom version 5.4 for iOS devices DELETES customer photos!!

  Adobe  has announced that users who updated Lightroom to version 5.4 may have lost all photos, presets, edits, watermarks, etc.

 Adobe apologizes, says there is no way to recover unless costumers had backup in Adobe cloud or other backup.

We are aware that some customers who updated to Lightroom 5.4.0 on iPhone and iPad may be missing photos and presets that were not synced to the Lightroom cloud.

A new version of Lightroom mobile (5.4.1) for iOS and iPadOS has now been released that prevents this issue from affecting additional customers.

Installing version 5.4.1 will not restore missing photos or presets for customers affected by the problem introduced in 5.4.0.

We know that some customers have photos and presets that are not recoverable. We sincerely apologize to any customers who have been affected by this issue.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Is it Zoom, or is it me?

 Zoom is experiencing  widespread outages in parts of the USA today (24-Aug-2020).

Should be better now.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Microsoft Patch Tuesday 11-Aug-2020

 120 vulnerabilities patched,1 publicly disclosed, 17 critical. 

Not as bad as previous months. Several important updates from the Microsoft store.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

NSA Guidance on Limiting Location Data Exposure

08/06/2020 10:33 AM EDT

Original release date: August 6, 2020

The National Security Agency (NSA) has released an information sheet with guidance on how to limit location data exposure for National Security System (NSS) / Department of Defense (DoD) system users, as well as the general public. NSA outlines mobile device geolocation services and provides recommendations on how to prevent the exposure of sensitive location information and reduce the amount of location data shared.  

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages administrators and users to review NSA's guidance on Limiting Location Data Exposure and CISA’s Security Tip on Privacy and Mobile Device Apps for information on protecting mobile location data.