Monday, February 24, 2020

Windows 10 Local Account - Administrator revisit

 Several posts on the threat of running every day access on any computer system with Administrator rights and privilege. 
 If you have used your Windows PC for awhile, you have a LOT invested in that account name with those dangerous rights and privileges. eMail, folders, many many items. 
 So just removing administrator as an account type can not be done until a replacement account with Administrator rights and privileges is created.
 You want that new Administrator account to be a local account, not a Microsoft account.
 Microsoft has made it more and more difficult to create a new local account.
 The following is a technique to create a local account as of this post.
 You will need to run as an Administrator to use these steps - yet another reason to only use Administrator for tasks that require Administrator rights and privileges. As soon as the task is completed successfully, log out of the Administrator account.

 As an administrator use the START button, then Settings, then Family & other users.

Use the Add someone else to this PC to get this screen
Then enter the username, a strong passphrase, and answer the 3 security questions. I suggest using a username that does not hint at being a power (administrator) user is creating a replacement administrator user. If creating a local account for another user use a name of your or their choice.
Quite Easily Done  QED

Note:  If needed, you may consider disabling the network. Turn off Wi-Fi, pull tne Ethernet cable or similar.

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