Thursday, April 30, 2020

Caller ID spoofing ALERT

 We have been warned that fraudsters spoof CallerID so you are more prone to answer. Then they use the CallerID of  local law enforcement, neighbors,    your bank.
 Your bank. We have been warned to call the bank back if there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the call and not be so easily fooled by a spoofed CallerID.

 Now reports of the spoof going the other way. Fraudsters spoof YOUR CallerID and call your bank. If the CallerID matches the bank's records and the "normal" methods of verifying your IDentity pass, the bank will comply with the requests and you will not be happy. 
 Social media, big data, and prior phone calls to you might provide enough information to successfully pass the bank's fraud detection scripts and methods. 
 In our experience the bank may ask to verify or provide the last few transactions on the account. Often the bank's list has a few transactions you did not make - part of the procedure, you will not recognize or acknowledge these false transactions by design.
 Now fraudsters are successfully circumventing this method.
 They spoof your CallerID and use the automated systems to learn your last few transactions.
 I would think this would be a very targeted attack, but wanted to raise awareness.
 Awareness, preparedness, understanding.

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