Sunday, December 6, 2020

Safer Holiday Shopping

 Use Digital wallets

 Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. Merchants do not see your credit card info. Similar to PayPal without giving your information to PayPal. The technology uses a secure digital token based on cryptography.

Then protect those digital wallets, have a tested backup and recovery plan. Monitor those wallets.

Avoid public Wi-Fi

It is trivial to setup a Wi-Fi hotspot with known merchant or store network names. Once connected to these rogue Wi-Fi networks any and all data provided via Wi-Fi is at risk

Similarly, consider turning OFF your device Wi-Fi while away from your home networks. The network name your device "beacons" can be detected and spoofed.


Virtual Private Networks provide an encrypted tunnel from and to end points. This protects data in transit across the Internet. Choose your VPN provider with care, there are VPNs that steal data and sell your connection history.

A drawback to VPNs, your source IP address may rapidly change. Good for avoiding tracking. Not so good when your bank notices your device changing location.

Avoid storing Credit card info at sites

Convenient - true. Dangerous - also true. Breaches and ransomware are a danger to that information.

Be aware at points of sale

Near Filed Communication (NFC) on debit and credit cards uses radio. Radio. Try to avoid others near you at point of sale terminals. Consider a RFID shields for wallets and purses.

Consider turning credit cards Off

Most banks can and will disable your credit and debit cards, then enable when YOU re-enable them.

Review and Use banking alerts

Use the alert features on all your financial institutions. Once setup, take the time to check the alerts are sent to you, not an identity thief.

Employ virtual credit cards

Some banks, credit unions, etc. provide a one-time card number for on-line use

Prefer Credit over Debit

Credit cards transfer the bank's money to merchants. Debit cards transfer your money to merchants.


Hides, to a degree, your credit & financial information. NOT FDIC insured, has fees, subject to insider theft.

Increase financial monitoring

Monitor your finances. Brokers, company IRAs, merchant accounts, ...

Report Identity theft

No matter how small. As each of are safer, we are all safer. The quicker the detection and reporting, the quicker your identity can be restored

Report suspicious activity

FTC site: 


Credit Reporting Agencies

Your bank

Again, the quicker the better

Beware social media Ads

Tis the season. The pandemic has affected cyber criminals. Bad recommendations, false claims, etc. Stolen social media accounts of friends are used as well. 

Avoid Phishing lures

 A expected and real increase at this time of year. These campaigns appear more real than real.

Be suspicious, be informed, be prepared.

Be very suspicious of unsolicited phone calls & messages

Thieves are using Artificial Intelligence to greatly increase the "pitch". Be wary of any urgency, threats, and other techniques. "To avoid this charge please call back at this number" 

Use your detective skills to investigate.

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