Sunday, March 7, 2021

Microsoft Exchange Servers - SERIOUS vulnerabilities currently being Exploited - WORLD WIDE

  I run Microsoft Windows, should I be worried?

 The exploited vulnerability exists in most versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. The server cluster than runs a LOT of the corporate eMail infrastructure for major corporations, major news outlets, governments, alot.

 Major vulnerabilities in major eMail services will take some time to address.

 So, will Microsoft Windows be affected? Low probability. If you have setup a Microsoft Exchange service for home, business, charities, etc. you will need to patch. 

 If not, you should still be worried, wary, and aware. If a eMail arrives in your inbox, now, in the recent past, or anytime in the future you should be aware the eMail from trusted sources may be compromised to take advantage of these vulnerabilities (there are 7) to gain financial leverage against you, the public during the pandemic, the economy, and other cyber crises.

 SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange, and other recent events place an increased burden on the trust systems we have increasing dependence on.

 If the attackers go further into an enterprise after exploiting the Exchange server's vulnerabilities, they can copy any data the exchange server has access to, and/or alter that data.

 Be aware, be prepared, be wary, be safer with your cyber hygiene.

Now a global crisis. The scope of this is ever expanding. Any and all underlying trusts in our cyber environments will be at risk for some amount  of time. This plus SolarWinds, the just evolving build dependencies, coupled with global pandemic, the financial crisis, work from home ...

Be aware, be prepared, be wary, be safer with your cyber hygiene.


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